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Google va ignora din ianuarie 2013 uneltele SEO

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Google has declared a full-scale war on spam – heck, it even employs an entire webspam team headed up by the infamous Matt Cutts to deal with the issue.
Google’s rise to power has been nothing short of fast and furious, and many webmasters who’ve depended on Big G for their income have lost everything in the wake of massive algo changes this year.
Google doesn’t seem to mind about much of the collateral damage – although the search giant has been kind enough to give webmasters a heads up a bit before something’s about to go down. But providing details? Not so much. Does Google offer advice in the aftermath? A little, but it is vague and often includes the blanket mantra of “make great content” amidst other cryptic suggestions. Ugh.
I’m all for Google keeping its algorithm a step ahead of the spammers, but after this last wave of updates, I can’t help but wonder whether the search giant is more concerned with protecting the user or its bottom line. This intentional vagueness and consistent (often overkill) usurping of ranking power does make you wonder – is Google out to kill SEO?
Small Biz and Algo Updates
Many industries have taken hits across the board after algorithm updates have rolled out, but not a one has suffered as much as those in the SEO industry. Search engine optimization is the industry itself – so every time Google blackballs another practice or technique, another SEO company shuts the lights off.
And, no, I’m not talking about shady enterprises like blog networks or other outright methods of cheating the system. I’m talking about legitimate providers of SEO goods and services that are out of commission now that Google’s implemented such radical changes.
For instance, Google Webmaster Tools now offers a suite of free services (if you consider unlimited access to your personal and website data “free”), and the tools have effectively killed a number of small online businesses that provided similar services for a fee. Further, many SEO professionals who help companies show up in the SERPs have taken major hits as well. The successive algo changes have made it nearly impossible for these pros to provide reliable results for their clients on a consistent basis in such a turbulent search landscape.
So, is Google actually trying to kill SEO and small business? Marketing forums certainly seem to think so. In fact, here’s one sample of current discussions in a popular marketing forum that showed up in the SERPs today:
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